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Stress Awareness Month

April 19, 2024
Rachel Alfred
Timer  Read Time: 5 minutes

83% of US Workers struggle with work-related stress. Stress Awareness Month, observed each April, sheds light on a prevalent yet often overlooked challenge of modern life: stress in and out of the workplace. In today’s fast-paced world, the pressures of professional life can spill into personal lives, and vice versa for home life related stress. Understanding this dynamic and providing ways for stress relief and prevention is crucial for fostering a healthier work-life balance and overall wellbeing.

The Toll of Workplace Stress

Workplace stress affects individuals across all industries and roles. From looming deadlines to demanding expectations, employees often find themselves navigating a myriad of stress triggers throughout their workday. Long hours, tight schedules and high-pressure environments can all contribute to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. One million Americans miss work due to stress each day. Work absenteeism from depression costs businesses in the US $51 billion per year plus an additional $26 billion in treatment costs.

Modern work life has also introduced a whole new set of stressors, where the blurred boundaries of professional and personal life can make it challenging to disconnect, leading to an “always-on” mentality that exacerbates stress levels. 3/4ths of employees believe that workers have more on the job stress than just one generation ago.

The Ripple Effect: How Work and Home Stress Influence Each Other

While workplace stress may seem confined to the office, its effects extend far beyond the confines of the workplace. The stressors encountered during the workday can seep into homes, impacting relationships, mental health and overall quality of life.

Conversely, stressors from personal lives can also spill over into professional endeavors. Financial worries, familial conflicts, caregiver responsibilities or health concerns can weigh heavily on the mind, making it difficult to focus and perform optimally at work.

Strategies for Managing Workplace Stress

Recognizing the interconnected nature of work and home stress is the first step towards effective stress management. Here are some strategies to help employees navigate workplace stress and strike a balance between their professional and personal lives:

Set boundaries: Encourage your employees to set clear boundaries between work and home life, whether working remotely or in an office setting. Allow them to designate specific times for work-related tasks and make a conscious effort to disconnect outside of these hours. If your team sits across multiple time zones, ensure the team is aware of everyone’s hours and meetings are scheduled with everyone’s local time in mind.

Practice self-care: Encourage your employees to prioritize self-care activities to promote relaxation and wellbeing. High stress levels have been found to contribute to cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders and workplace injuries. While there are many ways employees like to de-stress, employers should offer benefits to alleviate stress and its potential physical and mental side effects too. Consider offering mental health benefits to help employees learn how to manage and alleviate stress as well as preventive care and musculoskeletal benefits. Finances, childcare and elder care can also be a huge stressor of home life. Consider offering financial wellness and education benefits, childcare/elder care benefits and whole health benefits for a healthy body and mind. Employees will appreciate having the extra support from their employer in all areas of their lives that may be stressful.

Communicate effectively: As an employer, open communication with supervisors and colleagues is essential to workplace stress. Consider an open-door policy and an inclusive work environment. If employees are feeling overwhelmed, they shouldn’t be afraid to voice their concerns and seek support or accommodation where necessary. Encourage employees to utilize their EAP if offered one to talk through their issues and find resolutions.

Take regular breaks: Allow your employees to incorporate short breaks throughout the day to recharge and refocus. Stepping away from screens, taking a brief walk, stretching or practicing deep breathing exercises can help alleviate tension and improve productivity.

Stress Awareness Month reminds us to prioritize both mental and physical health. By offering a comprehensive benefits package and encouraging employees to seek support when needed, employers can better support their employees’ health and lives both at home and at the workplace. Remember, a stress-aware workplace isn’t just a luxury – it’s an investment in the health and productivity of your team.

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