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Partner of the Week: SavvyFi

June 14, 2023
Rachel Alfred
Timer  Read Time: 4 minutes

SavvyFi helps companies address employee financial security beyond the paycheck. They make it easy for employees to save for future college expenses or pay off existing student loan debt with the help of cashback rewards and gifts from friends and family. SavvyFi provides a one-stop education savings (529 plans) and student loan debt repayment benefit that can deploy across a dispersed nationwide workforce, without the need for payroll integration.

We are excited to announce SavvyFi as our Partner of the Week, where we highlight one of our unique PlanSource Marketplace Partners and the value they bring to the benefits industry. We recently sat down to discuss their unique employee benefits and how they support financial wellness within the benefits industry.

What makes your company unique in the benefits space – what key benefits do you provide to employees?

SavvyFi combines 529 plan and student loan benefits into a single platform, catering to all generations and life stages. They offer various ways to help employees save more quickly, such as gifting, cashback rewards, and seamless integration with employer contribution programs.

The SavvyFi team believes that everyone should have access to simple, collaborative tools that put their financial goals within reach. That’s why they:

  • Reinvented 529 college savings plans and student loan repayment through an employee-friendly platform that’s effortless to enroll and share.
  • Removed the complicated systems and paperwork of 529s and loan repayment.
  • Wrapped two education financial benefits into one that makes it equitable across your workforce.
What industry problems are we solving with our partnership for HR teams and/or their employees?

Student debt is a $1.7 trillion problem. Yet, saving for college doesn’t have to be a chore with tons of paperwork and research. SavvyFi has simplified the process, and added unique features like gifting and cashback rewards to make it even better. SavvyFi + PlanSource provides a single front door for all student loan benefits in a platform that can be rolled out in under 24 hours.

What is one thing your company is doing to innovate your product/offering to change the industry?

SavvyFi can seamlessly plug into existing employer contribution programs, like PTO conversion, medical opt-out incentives, wellness stipends, lifestyle spending programs, and more. SavvyFi’s easy gifting feature and cashback rewards at major retailers makes it easier for employees to meet their education financial goals. They are also one of the only 529 offerings on the market that can roll out a 529 offering across a national workforce with negligible HR involvement.

Want to Learn More?

To learn more about SavvyFi and see examples of unique benefit providers out there, check out the PlanSource Partner Marketplace.

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