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Open Enrollment

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Overview of Open Enrollment

Open enrollment (OE) is a critical time for both employers and employees

Why Open Enrollment is Important

During an employer’s annual open enrollment (OE) period, employees can change their

Duration of Open Enrollment

While it depends on the employer or insurance provider, the annual open

Legal Requirements and Regulations

There are various legal regulations surrounding open enrollment and benefits communication. Key

Common Open Enrollment Challenges

Following are a few of the most common challenges HR departments face

Qualifying Life Events

Under certain circumstances, you can enroll or make changes to your healthcare

Missing Open Enrollment Deadlines

If an employee misses the open enrollment deadline, it’s likely they won’t

New Hire Enrollment

For HR professionals, you expect new hires to have questions. And you

OE Communication Strategies

A thoughtful communication plan is crucial for an effective open enrollment. Key

Crafting Effective OE Messages

Messaging is one of the most important elements of open enrollment communication.

Employee Education

Education is a core goal of open enrollment communication. Ensure employees understand

Measurement and Continuous Improvements

To ensure open enrollment communication strategies remain effective, regular measurement and refinement

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