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Reseller Spotlight: Employee Family Protection

July 5, 2023
Rachel Alfred
Timer  Read Time: 3 minutes

Employee Family Protection, Inc. (“EFP”) is a proven partner for benefits communication, enrollment, and HR fulfillment services. They are an independent, owner-operated firm that has been partnering with employers and brokers nationwide for over 40 years. They help employees make smart benefit choices by providing worksite benefits, technology solutions, administrative support, and enrollment services to other clients.

EFP excels at finding unique and engaging solutions for our clients and their employees throughout the benefit enrollment process. From self-serve, online enrollment, to personal benefit consultations, the EFP team will create custom solutions to fit your business, while increasing employee benefit engagement. We are excited to spotlight Employee Family Protection and highlight the value they bring to the benefits industry.

What makes your company unique in the benefits space – what key benefits do you provide to employees?

Employee Family Protection, INC is an independently owned firm that has served as a “go-to” enrollment resource for employers over the last 43 years. They are distinguished by their service level. EFP’s Service First model has enabled their team of experts to focus on offering complete and customized managed services for every client, to meet their unique needs and offer support where needed most.

What industry problems are we solving with our partnership for HR teams and/or their employees?

EFP supports HR teams to help navigate the ins and outs of their benefit administration system and increase benefit education and engagement amongst employees. EFP Account Managers help reduce billing discrepancies and benefit administration errors while easing the burden enrollment can cause for HR teams and employees.

What is one thing your company is doing to innovate your product/offering to change the industry?

EFP doesn’t stop after open enrollment. They offer ongoing service to enroll new hires, premium remittance, assist and answers questions existing policyholders or HR may have, allowing HR teams to focus on other initiatives.

Want to Learn More?

Check out EFP and learn more about becoming a PlanSource reseller here.

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