Partner of the Week: zizzl health
zizzl health delivers a budget friendly, hassle-free way to provide health insurance benefits to your employees through an ICHRA – an alternative way of providing quality health insurance benefits to employees with the same tax benefits as a traditional group plan. With zizzl health, employees spend what they want to get the plan they want and while managing and streamlining all benefits with the zizzl health Platform. zizzl health also believes in a campfire culture, hiring friendly and savvy people who know how to see the world from the perspective of their customers.
We are excited to announce zizzl health as our Partner of the Week, where we highlight one of our unique PlanSource Marketplace Partners and the value they bring to the benefits industry. We recently sat down to discuss their unique employee benefits and how they support lifestyle planning within the benefits industry.
What makes your company unique in the benefits space – what key benefits do you provide to employees?
zizzl health offers a state-of-the-art ICHRA solution helping employers offer budget-friendly, hassle-free health insurance to employees. Think of it like a 401(k) plan for health insurance. ICHRA (“ik-rah”) is shorthand for “Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement.” ICHRA’s allow employers to reimburse employees a fixed amount of money each month for health insurance premium and health care related out-of-pocket expenses if they purchase their own health insurance plan. They are an alternative way of providing quality health insurance benefits to employees with the same tax benefits of a traditional group plan.
zizzl health feels like a traditional group plan, yet includes all the benefits of an ICHRA. Employees crave individual options catered directly to their needs. With zizzl health, employees are no longer limited by the carrier the employer chooses for the entire company. Employers don’t select the insurance company or the plan(s) when using an ICHRA for health insurance benefits. They simply determine how much they want to contribute towards the benefit and employees select their own insurance company and plan. Plan rates are community rated and not subject to underwriting, claims experience, or health conditions. If an employee applies for a plan, the insurance company is obligated to sell them the plan at the published rate.
Benefits have become so complicated. At zizzl health, we are focused on making sure that employees and employers alike have the opportunity to pick a plan that’s on your side. Ensuring that companies have the financial protection in place that allows them to get back to the campfire, while supporting employees to find the individual coverage that works for their unique needs.
To learn more about zizzl health and see examples of unique benefit providers out there, check out the PlanSource Partner Marketplace.
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