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Partner of the Week: Unsaddl

October 25, 2023
Rachel Alfred
Timer  Read Time: 3 minutes

Unsaddl enables employers to offer education benefits. Education benefits include student loan and 529 plan contributions, student loan refinancing, tuition reimbursement, and 401(k) match with student loan payments. Unsaddl automates plan design, employee roster syncs, approvals, verification, and payments so employers can seamlessly implement education benefits. Unsaddl falls under our Wealth, Lifestyle Planning, Student Loan and Financial Wellness Partner Marketplace categories.

We are excited to announce Unsaddl as our Partner of the Week, where we highlight one of our unique PlanSource Marketplace Partners and the value they bring to the benefits industry. We recently sat down to discuss their unique employee benefits and how they support student loans within the benefits industry.

What makes your company unique in the benefits space – what key benefits do you provide to employees?

Unsaddl enables employers to offer education benefits such as student loan and 529 plan contributions, student loan refinance, tuition reimbursement, and 401(k) match with student loan payments. They make it easy and affordable to get started with education benefits in just minutes. Employers can reimburse employees for approved courses and contribute directly to student loans and 529 plans. Employees can check rates and refinance their loans from up to 10 national lenders.

What industry problems are we solving with our partnership for HR teams and/or their employees?

Education benefits can be cumbersome to administer from payments, payroll and HRIS integrations, approvals, and verification. Unsaddl streamlines the process of offering education benefits, making it easy for any employer to offer them. Offering education benefits helps attract and retain talent. 65% of workers believe that employer-provided upskilling is very important when evaluating a job. If an employer helps an employee with their loans, the employer receives 5 years of commitment from the employee, while the employee receives $5,250 annually as non taxable income.

What is one thing your company is doing to innovate your product/offering to change the industry?

Unsaddl is creating a one-stop-shop for employers to administer all their education benefits on one platform. They make it an easy process to sign up and get started. First, you design your plan with education benefits that fit your workforce. Then, you sync your employee roster and employees are ready enroll and utilize their benefits.

Want to Learn More?

To learn more about Unsaddl and see examples of unique benefit providers out there, check out the PlanSource Partner Marketplace.

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