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Incredibly simple benefits billing
Save time and money each month with easy, automated benefits billing and reconciliation tools in PlanSource

Outsourcing Your Billing Reconciliation

PlanSource transformed tasks that would take weeks or months for thousands of employees to just minutes.
Benefits and Welfare Specialist, BPM

Automated Benefits Billing with PlanSource

Automatic Bill Creation

Generate consolidated carrier list bills and self bills each month that make it easy to compare enrollment vs. cost data and identify where you might be over- or underpaying.

Data Export

You may export your invoices in a variety of formats including CSV, XLS or PDF. You can also choose whether you want a separate row for each benefit or by employee.

Carrier Bill Previews

Run a bill preview from carriers in advance of your final monthly bill, so you can make changes prior to the carrier’s cutoff date. Run them on-demand or schedule them to run on a certain day of the month.

Detailed Cost Breakdowns

View enrollment and cost data across all lines of coverage, divisions and employee populations. Then, drill down by specific carrier, plan name, group/location, FEIN and individual member.

Invoice Summary

View current and past monthly bills organized by carrier or benefit and that include the total number of employees enrolled, premiums and fees, sum of adjustments, and final amount due.

Monthly Adjustments

Easily see any relevant adjustments that have been made for the billing period – such as retroactive enrollment or plan adjustments – at the bottom of the Billing Roster report.

Remittance Statements

Set up remittance statements that are grouped & subtotaled according to your need. You can show breakdowns by employee status, cost center, employee classification or GL code.

Wash Rule Calculations

PlanSource calculates and reconciles list bills according to carrier-specific wash rules for retroactive and mid-month changes, prorating premiums for new hires and terminations and more.
Demo: How Billing Reconciliation Works
Managing benefits billing and invoicing can be difficult and cumbersome; watch this video to see how to get it right.
Simplified Self Billing with Boost
With PlanSource Boost, our team takes over this arduous process completely so our customers can focus on more strategic items
Benefits Outsourcing 101: Benefits Billing

Learn more about how partnering with PlanSource can expedite the entire benefits administration process, minimize risk, save money and reduce stress across the board for your company.

Get a Demo

Webinar: Sustainable Benefits

Outsourcing Guide

Video: Benefits Billing Reconciliation