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Health, Caregiver Support, Mental / Behavioral Health, Sleep
RethinkCare users learn lifelong skills to become better parents, better employees, and better versions of themselves.
RethinkCare is the leading global behavioral and mental health platform supporting neurodiversity in the workplace and at home. We offer a digital experience and on-demand clinical consulting to empower employees across their parenting, professional, and personal needs.
RethinkCare’s holistically supports all aspects of employees lives through three evidence-based solutions within one interconnected platform.
The Parental Success program gives working parents behavioral health support for themselves and their children, including those diagnosed with ADHD, learnings disabilities, and autism. Through personalized virtual consultations with on-staff Board Certified Behavior Analysts, masters-level clinicians collaborate with working parents to improve their child’s learning, development, and behavior.
The Professional Resilience program fosters a culture of health and high performance through career growth tools for all employees. This includes industry-leading neurodiversity training to build an inclusive culture where all employees feel valued, comfortable, and productive at work.
Finally, the Personal Wellbeing program helps employees learn mindfulness techniques and manage stress, anxiety, and sleep issues in a changing world.
Clinical Expertise tailored to each child’s needs
to help them succeed in school, relationships, and future jobs.
High-tech, high-touch digital trainings and live consults
equip teams to nurture the unique contributions of their neurodiverse colleagues.
World-leading doctors and experts
teach employees integral skills in managing stress, anxiety, and sleep issues.

RethinkCare is the perfect solution for a high stress, high performance industry. I use it to reduce stress and sleep better. And I recommend it to our entire team to build the optimistic and resilient mindset required for our business.

Fortune 100 insurance and financial services company

RethinkCare 4-Page Platform Overview

RethinkCare use case scenarios