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Health, Lifestyle Planning, TPA
zizzl health is a state-of-the-art ICHRA solution that helps employers offer budget-friendly, hassle-free health insurance to employees.
Benefits have become so complicated. At zizzl health, we are focused on making sure that employees and employers alike have the opportunity to pick a plan that’s on your side.
Ever wished you could just give your employees “pre-tax” money to buy their own individual health insurance plan? An ICHRA (pronounced “ik-rah” and shorthand for “Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement) can do just that!
ICHRA’s allow employers to reimburse employees a fixed amount of money each month for health insurance premium and health care related out-of-pocket expenses if they purchase their own health insurance plan. They are an alternative way of providing quality health insurance benefits to employees with the same tax benefits of a traditional group plan.
It’s the budget friendly, hassle-free way to provide health insurance benefits to your employees.
Discover all there is to know about zizzl health by checking out their Partner of the Week blog.
Budget Friendly
Simply set your contribution to match your budget. You’re in control.
Hassle Free Renewals
No more disruptive insurance company and plan changes.
Happy Employees
Employees spend what they want to get the plan they want.
ACA Compliant
With the proper contribution structure, ICHRA’s meet the ACA standards for Essential and Affordable health coverage.

The company and its employees were thrilled with the results of an ICHRA benefits plan with zizzl health.

Car Dealership

Employer’s Guide to ICHRA

How it Works Video